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Health Office


Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm

Location: Administrative Building

Jacqueline Gabert, RN, BSN

916-786-2970 ext 7010

916-774-4502 (fax)


Health Office

Nurse Jacqueline provides assistance with school related health problems, health instruction in classrooms upon request, and individual health counseling for students, parents, and staff. Students must have Minga student pass assigned to come to the Health Office, but emergencies are seen without question.  

Health problems or any serious or chronic medical conditions are to be brought to the attention of the school nurse with written medical instructions at the beginning of each fall term. Be sure to reach out to Nurse Jacqueline if you have any questions or concerns.


Meet Mrs. Jacqueline Gabert

Nurse Photo

Jacqueline Gabert is a bachelor’s degree prepared registered nurse currently enrolled at Sacramento State’s School Nurse Credential plus Master’s Degree program. Previous clinical experience includes pediatric intensive care unit, adult and pediatric recovery room, and volunteer camp and mission nursing. While new to school nursing, she has cared for adults and children with complex medical needs for the last 14 years. She currently serves on West Park’s Safety Committee helping to prepare a first aid/triage team.

A little more about Jacqueline:

Back in April, Jacqueline moved with her husband and two children, to Grass Valley from San Clemente, CA. In her free time she has enjoyed visiting 32 states and 8 countries within Europe and North America. And even though travel has lessened since having children, she continues to explore through books.  She is currently reading through the Harry Potter series with her children while perfecting their British accents and has started seasonal book collections for exploring different cultures and experiences around the world.  She finds travel and books two of the best ways to broaden perspectives and see the value in many different lifestyles.  

One of her favorite things about her new home is the room for growing food and expanding her furry family. Jacqueline loves gardening and has a secret obsession with worms (for composting). Her 2 to 5 year plan includes a food garden, small orchard, chickens, bees, sheep and goats.