Homelink Password Resets for Parents and Students
HomeLink accounts are automatically created for Parents when your student is enrolled in to our Aeries system, a welcome email is sent to the address (gmail, yahoo, surewest, comcast, hotmail, etc) you used during registration. This will sometimes be treated as spam or junk by your email provider and you may never establish your account. Despite this you can still gain access to your Parent Portal/HomeLink by following the Forgot Password instructions link below:
Parent HomeLink Password Rest Instructions
HomeLink accounts for students are automatically created when they are enrolled in to our Aeries system, not when the online registration is done. The Roseville Joint Union High School District issues each student a district email address that is used for their HomeLink account - a personal email account can not be used and if one is created in the system for a student it is automatically cycled out within 24 hours. Attached are the instructions for students to reset their password to start using their account.