Are you moving or having your student transfer to another school?
Here are the procedures on how to withdraw your student:
1. Contact the registrar
- If disenrolling mid-year, please email the Registrar, Renee Dhaliwal - rdhaliwal@rjuhsd.us to let her know where your student will be attending next and their last day of attendance at West Park High School. A withdrawal form will be provided, requiring a parent/guardian signature. Your student will take this withdrawal form to all of their teachers on their last day to obtain withdrawal grades.
2. Return of Assets
- Students must return their chromebook, charger, textbooks and any library books that have been checked out at West Park High School. You may email our Library Media Technician, Ms. Bri at bperezchica@rjuhsd.us to request a list of assets that your student needs to return.
3. Clear Student Account/Pay Fines
- Contact ASB Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Cleveland - kcleveland@rjuhsd.us to inquire about any fees and fines still owed to West Park High School. You and your student may also view this information inside your Student and Parent Aeries/Homelink Portal Accounts. If you have fines to clear, please also have your exact payment amount in cash or check on the day of withdrawal. If you would like to pay for the fines online with a credit/debit card, Mrs. Cleveland can direct you on how to do so.
4. Steps for your student's Last Day of School
- On the day of withdrawal, typically at the end of the school day of your student's last day, you will start by visiting the Registrar, Mrs. Dhaliwal. She will direct you & your student on returning assets/books and clearing their account. You will receive your withdrawal paperwork at that time, which will include your student's unofficial transcript, immunization records and completed withdrawal form.
- Student's may complete this step without a parent present as long as the parent has been in communication with the Registrar and has submitted a signed withdrawal form.
If your student leaves and does not return school assets or clear outstanding fines, their transcripts will be held until the assets are returned or fines are paid and their account is cleared.
Please contact the Registrar, Renee Dhaliwal at rdhaliwal@rjuhsd.us with any questions, or if you need a copy of your student's unofficial transcript sooner to apply for enrollment at another school.