Additional Documents - Shared Residence Affidavit & Caregiver Affidavit
Shared Residence Affidavit
This form is required if you share a residence with another person and all of the bills are in their name. Please make sure to follow all directions and attach ALL documents listed on page 3 of the affidavit.
Shared Residence Affidavit English
Shared Residence Affidavit/declaracion Jurada de Residencia Compartida Spanish
Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit
Please use this form if you need to verify your authority as a caregiver over a minor student.
Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit English
Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit Spanish
Please be aware that all enrollments under a Shared Residence or Caregiver Affidavit require Admin Approval and are verified by Roseville P.D. School Resource Officer using a variety of methods including checks of public records, visits to the residence, and photographs or video recordings of public areas.
Providing false information about a student or parent/guardian’s residence will result in immediate disenrollment from the school and referral to the school where the student actually resides in accordance with Roseville Joint Union High School District Policies on student attendance. The District will contact law enforcement agencies when individuals are determined to have provided false or misleading information.