2 Year Colleges
Two Year - Community College
Sierra College
West Park High School has partnered with Sierra College to ensure a strong relationship has formed to better support our graduating Seniors as well as our students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes.
We are lucky to have Mrs. Hildebrand here who also works for Sierra College. In addition to being the Counselor West Park, she is also the Sierra College Transitions Counselor for West Park High School. If your goal is to attend Sierra College after graduating from West Park High, then she is a great support to assist any of our Seniors with your next steps!
In addition, JD Murillo, a Sierra College Enrollment Specialist, assists students with their transition to Sierra College by offering workshops for completing and submitting the Sierra College application, financial aid information, first year planning, class registration, and connecting you with other resources that can help you be successful at Sierra!
- Application Information (For Graduating Students)
- Promise Program (Free College)
- Sierra Classes in High School (Academic Enrichment)
Application Information (For Graduating Students)
If you plan to attend Sierra College in the Fall 2025 semester, the application for Fall 2025 will be available this October. Here are the steps to complete the application and create your mySierra portal account:
- Complete the application: Once on the page, you select the APPLY button. Then select the Create An Account link. It will take you to the OpenCCC website where you will begin creating an account. Make sure to save the username and password you create for your OpenCCC account in case you need it later.
- Once you create the OpenCCC account, you will be directed to the Sierra College application. Use this step-by-step guide on how to complete the online application if you get stuck.
- After you submit the Sierra College application, you will receive a Welcome To Sierra email from Sierra College with your Sierra College username and ID number. Use this information to create your mySierra portal account. Here is a link to instructions on how to set up your account: How to Set Up your My Sierra If you do not receive the Welcome to Sierra email within 48 hours, please contact Admissions and Records and they can assist you.
- Complete the online CAP session in your MySierra portal. This is required prior to meeting with Mrs. Hildebrand.
- Once you have completed the steps, we will schedule a time for you to meet with our Sierra College Enrollment Specialist, JD Murillo. JD is a great resource to help you with the application and to finish other enrollment steps. Once you have finished the enrollment steps with him, he will clear you to meet with Mrs. Hildebrand. Together, you will discuss your career and education goals, support programs on campus that can help you be a successful college student, and we will create your first-term plan, a list of classes you want to take your first two semesters so you know exactly what to sign up for during Sierra College class registration day.
Promise Program (Free College)
Sierra Classes in High School (Academic Enrichment)
Other Local Community Colleges
4 Year Colleges
Four Year - College/University
Other College Resources
NCAA Eligibility Center
Recommendations from CollegeBoard for student-athletes who want to play college sports:
- Determine what level of athletic competition/play you hope to pursue (NCAA Division I, II, III or other levels).
- See about participating in a summer sports camp at your college of interest.
- Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Student-athletes pursuing NCAA Division I or II schools must register; others do not.
- Develop an athletic resume that includes your basic student demographic information, sports stats since 9th grade and academic record/standing.
- Send letters of interest during Sophomore and Junior years to colleges/universities.
- Send coaches your athletic resume, stats summary and a video showcasing your skills in actual competition.
- Keep track of all contact you've had with college coaches in a written log.
- If applicable, apply to the college/university with a special application coded by the college's athletic department to notify the admission office that their athletic department is interested in you.
- Remember that athletics are only part of the college choice - make sure you still find the college to be a good fit if something happens and you can't play or decide not to play.
- Also, remember that athletic eligibility does not guarantee you're going to be admitted.
Gap Year
Stay in the US
Travel Abroad
11 Best Programs for Volunteering Abroad on Your Gap Year
Want to do some traveling outside of the U.S.?
How to Make it Productive
7 Ways to Make It a Productive One
If you're thinking about taking a gap year, do your research! Depending on your individual situation, there can be benefits and drawbacks to taking a gap year.
Activities for Career and Resume Building
20 Gap Year Activities that Look Great on Resumes
How to make sure your gap year activities help your career.