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Freshmen Day Itinerary
Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

School Map
I  Map with Stations


8:00am - 8:30am - Students say good-bye to their parents and check-in at tables located inside of the front gates
8:30am - 9:15am - Kick-Off Rally (gym)
9:15am - 9:25am - Get into Crews
9:30am - 11:30am - Individual Group Activities/Panther Pick-Up Stations
11:30am - 12:00pm - Lunch Provided to all Freshmen
12:00pm - 12:30pm - Activities
12:30pm - 2:00pm - Individual Group Activities/Panther Pick-Up Stations
2:00pm - 4:00pm - Open campus for parents to rejoin their students and assist with payment at the Finance Office and tour the campus.
4:00pm - Campus Closed (no supervision)


6:00pm - 7:00pm - Parent Meeting with the Principal in the Grove (map) for all incoming 9th Graders (Freshmen)!