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For Parents!

Emergency Protocol for Parents & Guardians

This page was designed specifically for parents to prepare for, as well as protocol when, an incident occurs.

The following is a list of things parents and families can do to prepare for any type of incident that may occur at West Park.

  1. Update your emergency contacts to include neighbors, your child's friend's parents, all adults in the household, or others who may be permitted to pick up your child should you be unable to do so. To make updates, simply login to your Homelink Parent Portal and it will update instantly.
  2. Update your personal contact information (address, email, phone number) in your Homelink Parent Portal so we can contact you regarding an incident involving your child or for school-wide information.
  3. Turn "ON" Notifications in ParentSquare. This will alert you instantly when we send a text or email to you in the event of an emergency. (Click on the link for directions.)
  4. Know where to access the See Something, Say Something anonymous reporting tip. We always have it on the homepage of our website. Bookmark it in your computer and phone for faster access.
  5. Discuss a plan for your household. Discuss the various types of emergencies that might occur and the various times of day and discuss a plan for arrival and dismissal times.
  6. Familiarize Yourself.
    1. SRP's
    2. "What to Expect" section on this page
    3. Parent Pick-Up/Reunification (could change depending on the location and impact of the emergency)

What to Expect:
Here is what you should expect when a real emergency occurs.

  1. We will Communicate via ParentSquare (text and email) when we launch any of the emergency types (what we call SRP's). Updates will be provided ongoing until the incident has been resolved. Click here to learn how to turn your notifications "ON."
  2. Do NOT Call the School. We need our phone lines to remain open so we can communicate with our staff. We will message you throughout the emergency with updates to let you know the progress of the incident and what we are doing to resolve the incident and keep your child safe. A follow-up will also be sent when we resolve the issue at hand.
  3. Text Every 5 Minutes. We need to keep our phone lines open, so please do not expect a message from your child more than every 5 minutes or so. Do not worry if they do not respond - they may simply be keeping their phones quiet or out of use to help free up the phone lines or to remain silent depending on the type of emergency. Texting or calling could put others in danger should an active threat be taking place.
  4. Students to Follow Staff's Directions. We have been training on all protocol to equip staff with steps to take in the event of various emergencies. It is critical that students follow the staff's directions to ensure everyone's safety.
  5. Do NOT Drive to the School. We will need to keep our entry points open for First Responders. Wait until we notify you when it is safe to come to the school as well as directions on how to proceed with picking up your child. 
  6. Parent Pick-Up/Reunification information will be provided once the issue has been resolved. We will message you with instructions including a map and steps to take should you decide to pick up your child early from school. Click here for our standard Parent Pick-Up/Reunification Plan.
  7. Students Who Stay. We will provide care for any students who remain on campus until the regularly scheduled end of the school day, including snacks, water, Wellness Services, first aid, counseling services, and access to First Responders.