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Digital Citizenship & Tech Safety


This helpful webpage provides resources and tools for students and parents. Remember to think before you post (private or public) or DM'ing another student. If it isn't kind, don't post/message. If you need assistance with mediation, reach out to your counselor.  

Go Guardian is an all-in-one monitoring suite on all RJUHSD Chromebooks that includes safe filtering, classroom management and school mental health tools to support safe digital learning. Go Guardian does not monitor personal devices, only school-issued Chromebooks. An alert is generated to administration and counselors when a student searches something that is harmful to themselves or others, or any concerning topics. 

Administration also has the ability to limit a student or group of students' access to certain website if the student is abusing their computer access. Contact is made with the parent when this occurs.

Bullying & Tech Policies

Click here to view the RJUHSD bullying and technology policies for students.

Common Sense Media

One of the leading resources for parents, students, and educators to educate, inform, and provide resources for everyone to promote a safe and healthy use of technology.


Click here to view a comprehensive website with complete details about what "cyberbullying" is, digital awareness for parents, and much more! 

Device-Free Dinner

A great way to promote family time without screentime.

Internet Safety & Privacy

Imagine that the internet knows everything about you. Does it matter if it does? What can you do to protect your privacy and data online?