ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee)
What is ELAC?
ELAC is an essential committee that supports our English learner students and their families. California public schools with 21 or more English learners are required to form an ELAC, but more importantly, it’s a valuable opportunity for parents to get involved and make a difference!
Responsibilities of ELAC:
As a part of ELAC, you will have the opportunity to:
- Advise the principal and staff on developing a site plan for English learners, which will be submitted to the School Site Council for consideration in the School Plan for Student Achievement.
- Assist in creating a school-wide needs assessment.
- Help find ways to emphasize the importance of regular school attendance to parents.
- Elect at least one member to represent us at the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
December Meeting:
- Ms. Lloyd, English Learner Coordinator, elloyd@rjuhsd.us
- Mr. Loya, Assistant Principal, lloya@rjuhsd.us